President's Message
Dear AzAHQ Members,
In 2025 AzAHQ is dedicated to actively working to continue our quality journey in support of our vision to be recognized by the Arizona healthcare community as a leader in advancing healthcare quality and our mission to serve as a resource to advance healthcare quality within Arizona through leadership, education, and communication.
We are looking to fill additional AzAHQ Board positions for 2025 and we invite you to you to join us in this exciting time in healthcare quality, as we encounter new opportunities for improvement. We are looking for a secretary-elect, associate communications director, education director, and associate education director. Please think about joining us to help promote healthcare quality in Arizona next year. Board members receive complimentary registration for our two annual conferences, have great networking opportunities, and get to experience professional growth by collaborating with healthcare quality professionals seeking to improve quality in Arizona. If you think you might like to get involved, but aren’t sure if you want to fill a board/associate position at this time, we invite you to get to know us by shadowing a board member. You could observe a virtual board meeting, observe planning for a webinar or a conference, observe the making of the newsletter, or observe planning a member survey; there are a lot of opportunities to get to know what the AzAHQ Board does. Please share this information with your healthcare colleagues and plan to bring a friend to join us for a shadow experience! Send an email if you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, or if you have ideas for AzAHQ for the coming year to AzAHQ’s Association Manager, Holly Grems at
AzAHQ continues to offer resources to help you with your quality journey including continuing our partnership with other state healthcare quality associations in offering webinars that are free to active members of participating associations. AzAHQ is actively planning webinars and other educational opportunities to help you on your quality journey. AzAHQ will be presenting a virtual spring conference and live conference in the fall. With our long tradition of supporting healthcare quality professionals who hold or aspire to hold the Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ®) credential, we will be offering the Quality Journey education program, a 12-hour virtual offering in the spring covering information on topics in the CPHQ content outline. The webinars and educational conferences support quality professionals not only by providing education and networking opportunities but also by providing continuing education credits for quality professionals who hold the CPHQ® credential.
AzAHQ is continuing to operationalize the multi-year strategic plan with improved financial forecasting and budgeting to help us continue to re-shape our priorities to develop programs and opportunities serving our members’ quality journeys. Part of our plan includes a new two-year membership option. In 2025, you can renew AzAHQ membership for one year for $55 or for two years for $100. We are also working on refining our CPHQ grant process, supporting AzAHQ members in pursuit of certification.
Please plan to join us on this quality journey and bring a healthcare quality colleague with you! Thank you for all you do to promote healthcare quality every day. If you have ideas or want to contribute to AzAHQ, please contact me at
AzAHQ President 2024 - 2025