About AzAHQ
AzAHQ has a long tradition of supporting quality professionals who hold, or aspire to hold, the Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ®) credential. We host educational events (live and virtual) in support of continuing education requirements for those with the CPHQ®, and award grants to those aspiring to certification. Recently, more expansive work has begun to structure a formal mentorship program to provide additional guidance for those working on their CPHQ® credential, with the possibility of broadening it to a more holistic scope of career pathways and professional advancement within the field of healthcare quality.
AzAHQ By Laws are reviewed annually and updated based on suggestions/recommendations of its members, changes in procedural requirements within AzAHQ, and as required by state and federal policies/laws.
All comments and suggestions are accepted and utilized in the next review and approval event. If, after review, you have comments about the by laws, submit your comments to any one of the board members.
MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: A detailed list of membership benefits can be found on the Benefits page. In addition, AzAHQ’s educational programs provide information on the latest quality topics, as well as CEUs which can be used for CPHQ and other recertifications.
HOW DOES MEMBERSHIP SAVE ME MONEY? The registration fee for all education sessions is reduced for all active members.
HOW TO JOIN: You can join through the AzAHQ website by clicking on Join Now!
DUES: Membership is $50 per year. Renewal processing begins one year from your initial membership date. Apply now.
Your membership is active for one full year from your date of joining or renewing. You will get an email notification when it is time to pay dues again. Be sure to keep your e-mail address current to receive dues-related and other notifications when they are sent out.
MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: The AzAHQ conducts General Membership meetings up to two (2) times per year. The meetings are held during the lunch breaks at in-person conferences or via a virtual meeting platform such as Zoom.
The meetings provide an opportunity for members to learn about activities the Association is working on. This includes educational opportunities, work with the National Association, and the financial status of the Association. Members are invited to provide input and ideas at the meetings on how the Association can better meet the needs its membership.
AzAHQ’s programs provide information on the latest quality topics, as well as CEUs which can be used for CPHQ and other recertifications.
WHERE ARE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES FOUND: Visit the Home page or the Events page to see the calendar or a list of upcoming events and announcement.
HOW OFTEN ARE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED: AzAHQ organizes several events each year based on member input and the changing healthcare quality needs. Multi-presentation conferences (live or virtual) are planned 1-3 times per year. AzAHQ is an active part of a multi-state healthcare quality association collaborative that each provides quarterly education offerings to all their active members.
HOW DO I SUGGEST TOPICS/SPEAKERS? Please submit recommendations with this handy online form. If possible, please provide suggested speakers for the topic.
HOW DO I FIND OUT ABOUT CPHQ REVIEW COURSES? Check the NAHQ CPHQ Prep page for options & availability.
DOES MY MEMBERSHIP HELP ME PREPARE FOR THE EXAM? Yes. AzAHQ’s educational programs will provide you with information that is covered on the CPHQ exam. You can network with colleagues from around the state, meeting others who may preparing for the exam, as well as CPHQs who have already taken the exam.
WHAT RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE TO HELP ME PREPARE? NAHQ is the primary source for all information related to certification. AzAHQ’s Certification pages provide summary information and many links.
WHAT IS THE CPHQ MENTOR PROGRAM? AzAHQ offers a certification preparation activity to active members. Check out the Study Group page for more details.
WHAT IS THE CPHQ GRANT? AzAHQ offers grants annually to active members. The grant provides financial assistance that defrays the cost of preparing and testing. Check out this page for more details.
WANT TO GET INVOLVED: AzAHQ is anxious for your help with organizational activities such as education offerings, designing and setting up member engagement activities, website design, and others. Use the AzAHQ contact form to get started.
INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS? Please review this page to find out more about AzAHQ's leadership positions. Use this form to submit your application or to nominate a qualified professional.
BOARD MEETINGS: Board meetings are held at least 4 times per year, either in-person or virtual.
AzAHQ believes in the value of supporting its members throughout their professional journeys.
- For those aspiring to CPHQ certification, we have periodic CPHQ prep courses.
- Members with an interest in exploring mentorship opportunities with a broader career pathway focus have the opportunity for a mentor/mentee matching program with other AzAHQ members. Please use the contact form If you are interested in participating as a mentee or if you would like to volunteer as a mentor.
With over 150 active members and well over a thousand quality professionals throughout Arizona, AzAHQ is actively exploring opportunities to provide a chance for our community to connect outside of the traditional work or conference settings. If you have an idea for future Quality professional gatherings (virtual or in person), please send the details to us via the contact form [Networking subject}.
AzAHQ publishes up to three (3) newsletters each year. Content varies depending on articles submitted by members and current topics in healthcare quality.
There are also sections pertaining to upcoming educational events, Board activities, and the Association calendar, to name a few. All members are notified when the newsletter is published, and it is available to anyone who visits the website announcements page. Be sure to keep you e-mail current to receive notices.
INTERESTED IN SUBMITTING AN ITEM TO THE NEWSLETTER? We are anxious to publish information from members. Send your information to the AzAHQ Communications Team via this form.
NAHQ is the National Association for Healthcare Quality. It is the nation’s leading organization for healthcare quality professionals and is the oversight agency for CPHQ (healthcare quality credential) certification process.
The NAHQ annual convention (NAHQNext) provides outstanding educational opportunities for attendees, as well as opportunities to network, and an exhibit hall with information on the latest products.