Event Detail

  The Demands of Quality: Staying Ahead of the Curve!
Virtual or In-Person

Flyer with agenda      Flyer with map

Bob Bové Neuroscience Institute
at HonorHealth Scottsdale Osborn Medical Center Campus

7242 E Osborn Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

October 25th, 2024     8 am - 5:30 pm  Az/Phoenix Time



Are you struggling to keep up with the ever-changing demands of quality or maintaining continuous readiness? Is time and project management a concern for you or your team?  Join us for a hybrid educational opportunity with speakers and a highly qualified panel as they address these topics and more.


  1. Utilize online information to relate to your organization.
  2. Learn how DMAIC Six Sigma moves HRO's healthcare agenda forward.
  3. Learn how quality professionals can address care, cost, & workforce challenges.
  4. Implement HRO principles to improve patient safety.
  5. Understand how social risk factors directly impact health outcomes.
  6. Learn what data relates to patient rights.
  7. Participate with panel leaders to discuss quality readiness.

Active AzAHQ Members or active members of a current Healthcare Quality collective organization.    Registration closes 10/24//24.

     By Sep 25, 2024  -
$150             Virtual $125
     After Sep 25, 2024 - $200           Virtual $175
By Sep 25, 2024 - $200           Virtual $175
After Sep 25, 2024 - $250           Virtual $225   

NOTE: Collective organization active members - enter a coupon code (obtain from your parent organization) to reduce registration to AzAHQ member rate.

PLEASE NOTE: Attendee details may be provided to sponsor organizations if requested. Please indicate agreement choice during registration.


Updated:  10/6/24


- SOURCE-ery! Information that can help you stay ahead of the curve.
- DMAIC Six Sigma Methodology: Moving Healthcare’s HRO Agenda Forward
- Keeping Ahead of the Quality Curve: Care, Cost and Cliff (NAHQ speaker)
- HRO principles to improve patient safety
- HRSA CHQR - Addressing Social Risk Factors & Advancing HIT
- What to do with Patient Rights
- Continuous Quality Readiness (panel)

CE Credit:  NAHQ approved for 8.25 hours CPHQ CE credit

HQ Competency Framework Domains: Presentations address some elements of all 7 domains.

Sponsors: Event presented with support from

                    A Voice for Healthcare Providers


VIRTUAL ATTENDEE PARTICIPATION VERIFICATION: AzAHQ is required to submit a list of the verified attendants to NAHQ (or other CE approval authority) within 30 days of the event. Attendance is monitored throughout the Zoom event using the 'Participant' list.  Each attendee must be signed into the virtual event with the same full name used for registration (not a family member's name or anick name or just a phone number).
Present in the same room as another attendee? Use the 'rename' option to enter all names of registered attendees that are present. Immediately send an email (manager@azaqhq.org) or text message (623-680-9955) to report the full name of all attendees in the group.
Joining by mobile device/phone or dialing in?  Immediately send an email (manager@azaqhq.org) or text message (623-680-9955) to provide the call-in number and the name used at registration.