Announcement Detail

FAHQ: How to Bring Multi-Site Ambulatory Centers to Pathway to Excellence (2/18/25)


How to Bring Multi-Site Ambulatory Centers to Pathway to Excellence


WHEN:   Feb 18, 2025       12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EDT   

Details & Registration

COST:  FREE event for members of AzAHQ, FAHQ, MAHQ, NEAHQ, NCAHQ, OAHQ, and OrAHQ by selecting your association's ticket type.
             Non-members: $30.        


Carmen Luecke BSN, RN, NE-BC  |  Quality & Education Manager  |  BayCare Ambulatory Surgery Centers  |  Tampa, FL
Carrie Clute BSN, RN, CNOR  |  Nurse Manager  |  Tampa Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Center Tampa, FL

DESCRIPTION:  Creating a culture that promotes nursing excellence while concurrently driving quality in the ambulatory setting can be challenging with limited resources. This presentation addresses how four multi-site, multi-specialty Ambulatory Surgical Centers used the six Pathway to Excellence® standards as the framework for success. A question and answer period will be provided.

CEU: Submitted for approval by NAHQ for 1.0 hours of CPHQ CE credit.  Approved for 1 hour CNE per FAHQ as approved provider for Florida Board of Nursing.

          ATTENTION: Register with the same name you will be using to log in to Zoom on the day of the webinar to obtain CE credit.


NOTE:  This event, offered by an organization participating in Healthcare Quality Collective, is available at no cost for active members of each participating organization.  Participating organizations organize and host the events and are responsible for registration and certificate generation.  Registration processes are not all the same due to system differences.  Please reach out to the hosting organization if you are having difficulty with registration or your certificate of attendance.

Added 12/10/24