Announcement Detail
Patient Falls: Risk Mitigation Through the Magnifying Glass
WHEN: Oct 24, 2024 12:00 - 1:30 ET
Information and registration Coupon required (obtain from your organization)
DESCRIPTION: Is your organization struggling with patient falls? Are your mitigation strategies failing to improve your outcomes? Join Linda Weirauch, MSN, RN, CPHQ to share data and best practices and tools that can help reduce falls in various settings.
SPEAKER: Linda Weirauch, MSN, RN, CPHQ
CEU: This activity/program is approved by NAHQ® 1.5 hours of CPHQ CE credit
NOTE: This event, offered by an organization participating in Healthcare Quality Collective, is available at no cost for active members of each participating organization. Participating organizations organize and host the events and are responsible for registration and certificate generation. Registration processes are not all the same due to system differences. Please reach out to the hosting organization if you are having difficulty with registration or your certificate of attendance.