Announcement Detail

AzAHQ: AIM (1/5/2024)

Optimizing Maternal and Infant Care
through Arizona AIM Collaborative

Jan 5, 2024 at 12:00noon - 1:00pm AZ/Phoenix
Via Zoom


About the presentation: Addressing high rates of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) and maternal mortality is a priority for the State of Arizona.  SMM related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy can lead to immediate and/or long-term consequences, including stroke and cardiomyopathy.  Arizona data demonstrate that there are disparities in care and outcomes.  Ms. Buchda will discuss how the implementation of evidence-based interventions using a collaborative approaches can improve care and reduce disparities.  

Vicki Buchda, MS, RN, NEA-BC   |  VP of Care Improvement   |  Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association

CE Credit:  This event is approved by NAHQ for 1.0 hours of CPHQ CE credit.

Cost:  FREE event for members of AzAHQ, FAHQ, MAHQ, NEAHQ, NCAHQ, OAHQ, and OrAHQ, by selecting your association's ticket type.
             Non-members: $35.      Registration closes 1/4/2024  AZ

Registration: - open        FLYER


Added 11/2/2023