Announcement Detail

AzAHQ: Health Equity (1/15/2024)

Health Equity

Jan 15, 2024 at 12:00noon - 1:00pm AZ/Phoenix
Via Zoom


Description: Hear HSAG’s step-by-step process to build health equity programs and comply with the new CMS requirements. Ms. Bailey will discuss the tools, resources, education, and strategies developed by HSAG to assist your hospital in meeting the metric mandates and advance health equity in your organization to improve the quality of patient care and address social determinants of health for the population you serve.

Christine Martini-Bailey MSN, RN, CSSGB   |   Executive Director   |   Health Services Advisory Group, Inc.

CE Credit:  1.0 hours of CPHQ CE credit approved by NAHQ.

Cost:  FREE event for members of AzAHQ, FAHQ, MAHQ, NEAHQ, NCAHQ, OAHQ, and OrAHQ, by selecting your association's ticket type.
             Non-members: $35.      Registration closes 1/14/202 AZ

Registration: - Open


Added 11/15/2023